25 B2B Sales Stats That Will Change Your Sales Strategy
Most consumers buy after 7 contacts with a company. Most companies give up after 2. ~ Bodetree
69% of sales executives believe that the buyer process is changing faster than organizations are responding to it. ~ Salesforce
More than 50% of all salespeople close at less than 40% ~ The TAS Group
15% decrease in the length of the sales cycle can yield 30% increase in revenue ~ Jon Miller
91% of customers say they’d give referrals. Only 11% of salespeople ask for one. ~ Dale Carnegie
On average decision makers consume 5 pieces of content before being ready to speak to a sales rep. ~ CMO Council
10.8% of social sellers have closed 5 or more deals attributed to social media. ~ A Sales Guy Consulting
93% of sales executives have not received any formal training on social selling. ~ Accenture
77% of B2B buyers said they did not talk with a salesperson until after they had performed independent research. ~ ExecutiveBoard.com
84% of B2B decision makers begin their buying process with a referral. ~ Sales Benchmark Index
67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally. ~ Sirius Decisions
80% of business decision-makers prefer to get company information from a series of articles versus an advertisement. ~ B2B PR Sense
63% of consumers need to hear company claims 3-5x before they actually believe it. ~ Edelman Trust Barometer
Today’s sales process takes 22% longer than 5 years ago. ~ Biznology
Top sellers use LinkedIn 6 hours per week. ~ Jill Konrath
82% of B2B decision-makers think sales reps are unprepared. ~ Biznology
B2B buyers are typically 57% of the way to a buying decision before actively engaging with sales. ~ CEB
84% of CEOs and VPs use social media to make purchasing decisions. ~ IDC
Email marketing has 2x higher ROI than cold calling, networking or trade shows. ~ MarketingSherpa
In B2B, 65% of customers are lost because of indifference, not because of mistakes. ~ Bodetree
86% of B2B buyers access business-related content on mobile devices. ~ Genwi
44% of B2B marketers have generated leads via LinkedIn, whereas only 39% have generated leads through Facebook and just 30% through Twitter. ~ ReachForce
Only 47% of information used during a customer’s purchase decision comes from the supplier. ~ LiveHive
75% of buyers want marketers to curb the sales-speak in their content. ~ DemandGen Report
Your buyer gets 100+ emails a day, opens just 23% and clicks on just 2% of them. ~ Tellwise
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