13 Proven Lead Magnets That Get Email Addresses
Your lead magnet should be exclusive: don\'t make it something that is available everywhere else on your website.
Free Consultation: If you\'re an expert in your field, offering to talk to to someone who has a problem in an area you have expertise will prove your value.
Mini eBook: A mini eBook sharing your expertise s a good way to share bite-size chunks of information won\'t take too much time to read and understand.
Checklist: People love easy to use checklists that provide a simple how-to that solves their problem.
Free Trial: If you have confidence in your software or tool or app, a free trial is a great way to demonstrate your product and hook your prospect on the benefits.
Cheat Sheets: Handy guides with information that is hard to remember or changes frequently that someone can easily refer to or take with them.
Tutorial: Many people love to watch videos versus read a book. A video how-to tutorial that shows how to do or fix something that is related to your product.
Giveaway: Let people give you their email address in exchange to win something such as a free book, course, membership or consultation.
Facebook Group Membership: Facebook groups are a popular way for people to privately exchange information and ideas, and a welcome opportunity to meet and engage with other people who share a common goal or problem.
Free Sample: Whether its the 1st chapter of your book, a trial size of a new product or a trial membership, a free sample lets someone try it out before they buy it.
Free Templates: Many forms, letters, graphics, schedules and worksheets are complicated to create from scratch but easy to modify and re-use.
Exclusive Deal: Everyone wants to get a good deal. Whether its free shipping, a special discount or a BOGO offer, make it something they want to get.
1st Video of a Course: If you sell a video course, offering the 1st video in the series for free is a great way to prove the value of your course.
Podcast: Create an exclusive podcast on a topic of interest to your target audience or with an influencer in your field.
Mixing The Perfect Sales Cocktail by Antony Caliendo: http://www.thesalesassassin.com/go/salescocktailmp3-pa002