21 Sales Coach Best Practices from Sales Experts
Focus on the middle 60%: Sales managers often skew their coaching efforts dramatically toward the very best and worst sales reps https://hbr.org/2011/01/the-dirty-secret-of-effective
Lead your people, don’t manage them. Show you care about them and have a strong passion to see them succeed. Remember — it’s not about you, it’s about your people. http://ow.ly/QHXL30eXja0
Using CRM data to track improvements once a training program has been implemented is the best way to measure the success of your program http://ow.ly/IVUs30eXeS9
Learn each salesperson’s drivers and target each rep\'s motivation https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/sales-coaching
Communicate corporate goals: Knowing they’re contributing to the company’s success is motivating and gives them non-monetary fulfillment. https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/sales-coaching
Not all employees are motivated by the same things. Develop top performers by combining different rewards that will keep all of your staff motivated. http://ow.ly/kCub30eXkvJ
Create personal rewards:People know in advance what must happen for them to earn a bonus, and they know how big the bonus will be. http://ow.ly/1VHN30eXkTr
Lead by example: Be a role model, to be the kind of person that everyone else looks up to and wants to be like. ~ Brian Tracy
Share the same definition of what good coaching is: Observation and feedback, certainly, but also strategy development, creating opportunities for practice. ~ Scott Edinger, Edinger Consulting
Spend time in the field: Ride with them to the appointments, ask them questions about their plans for the call, give them feedback on what they did right ~ Matt Sunshine
Create a feedback loop that becomes part of your day-to-day management routine. Don’t let your annual review be the only time you discuss performance with your employees. ~ Vishal Shah
Explain the why: Communications change behaviors. The best sales managers are clear about expectations and value. http://ow.ly/fZQC30eXgHa
Coach the middle 2/3 of reps who have both the room for improvement and the incentive to be top performers. ~ Shelley Cernel
Deciding who coaches is just as important as committing to coaching in the first place, and the answer can differ depending on the organization. http://ow.ly/7sjV30eXdWz
Block out an hour weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly: Meetings become routine, which will help both parties prepare and take the meeting seriously http://ow.ly/rN6A30eXepG
Effective coaching programs address the different needs of employees, regardless of their age or experience – bridging the gap between sales training and field experience http://ow.ly/42SW30eXf
A formal mentoring program or even an informal buddy system, helps your new hires hear success stories and winning strategies directly from your rockstars http://ow.ly/TrVO30eXgm4
Provide rewards to those who engage in coaching and consequences for those who opt out. http://ow.ly/wbvS30eXhuA
Let the employee do the talking. The biggest mistake managers make is they do all the talking during a coaching session and not enough asking or listening. http://ow.ly/it0C30eXhXE
Execute: Sales coaches help sellers develop habits to reach their goals, get the most from their time, and help sellers maintain current, written & public action plans. http://ow.ly/51ns30eXiRm
Hold your rep accountable Effective coaches understand once a plan of action is in place their role is to hold the sales rep accountable http://ow.ly/OQUY30eXlVg
Sales is like sports: all sales people can benefit from coaching. Read: 7 Reasons to Hire a Sales Coach - and 1 Not To https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-reasons-hire-sales-coach-1-anthony-caliendo