47 LinkedIn Tips for Salespeople
Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Tips via HubSpot https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/social-selling-linkedin
Headline There’s a simple formula for creating a memorable, eye-catching LinkedIn headline: “[Title], helping [prospects] do X.”
Summary Your summary should be one paragraph -- two at the max. Prospects are usually skimming your profile, so anything longer won’t be read.
Role Descriptions Under your current position, ie: • Work with businesses in X, Y, and Z industries to reduce manufacturing defects by 3% on average • Help customers reduce costs by $500,00
Profile Picture According to LinkedIn’s data, simply having a picture -- any picture -- makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed.
How to Get Your LinkedIn Posts Read : Tips from LI expert JoAnne Funch https://linkedinforbusiness.net/7-tips-getting-linkedin-posts-read/
Longer text performs the best which means you get more views which leads to likes and comments. You want the text to be long enough until you notice the ‘see more…’ indicating your text continues.
When you upload an image to accompany your post, be sure you still have included enough text to trigger the ‘see more’
LinkedIn’s algorithm doesn’t seem to prefer posts with a link because you are taking the reader off their site. Some of my colleagues are suggesting you put your link in the comments field instead.
So far it looks like the new Native Video is getting the best results. The viewer must be on the post at least 3 seconds to constitute a view. If you upload a You Tube link they count toward views.
Don’t make the mistake of posting just to show up. Be more thoughtful.
Always reply to any comments and try to keep the interest of the post going by asking a question back to your commenter.
@tag people in posts or comments if it makes sense. It is not necessary to @tag everyone.
Prospecting Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Tips from Social Media Examiner http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-use-linkedin-sales-navigator-for-better-prospecting/
Import Your Leads to Sales Navigator With all of the changes in the new user interface, LinkedIn is offering free Sales Navigator trials to new and previous customers.
Use Lead Builder to Filter Prospect Searches LinkedIn’s Lead Search function is vastly improved. To access it, click on Lead Builder located to the right of the LinkedIn Sales Navigator search box.
Research Accounts by Keyword During your profile setup LI will suggest accounts. You can also search for new accounts. Click in Search box & scroll down to or hover over the Search for Accounts link.
Monitor and Manage Your Lead Engagement Sales Navigator’s new user interface, including the search enhancement features, is focused on helping you create and nurture relationships on LinkedIn.
Lead Generation: Tips from Brooks Group https://brooksgroup.com/sales-training-blog/9-basic-linkedin-lead-generation-tips-salespeople
Develop a Digital 30-Second Pitch: This 30-Second pitch—or value proposition—should appear on sales reps’ LinkedIn profile either in text or video form.
Add Connections to Your Network: Salespeople should make it a habit of connecting on LinkedIn whenever they interact with people in day-to-day business.
Expand Your List of Leads: A good practice is to make a note of people they would like to connect with, and then ask their current connections for introductions.
Keep Up with Your Leads: If you want LI prospecting to be effective, be consistently engaged. Make it part of your routine by blocking out a short amount of time each day for checking in & posting.
Join Relevant Groups LinkedIn groups offer a way for salespeople to connect with a targeted group of people that fit your ideal buyer persona.
Celebrate Others’ Achievements: LinkedIn is a great platform for salespeople to share client success stories.
LinkedIn Hacks to Get More Out of Your Social Selling Efforts: Tips from Entrepreneur https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/292022#
Find Windows of Opportunity: LI gives you valuable real-time data on your prospects. It tells you when they post: If a prospect just posted something, you know they are likely by their phone.
Export Connections\' Email Addresses: you can send personalized networking or prospecting emails outside of the LinkedIn platform.
Turn off profile edit updates: you want updates from your name and brand to be highly curated and advancing your brand.
Disable “people also viewed”: This only distracts the viewer of your profile, and offers the option of poaching your clients or employees to a competitor.
LinkedIn\'s SEO Value: Complete your profile using keywords and descriptions and stay active with new content and other LI optimization tips to turn your LI page into an inbound marketing tool.
Contact followers and fans: If you’ve provided a service or have a great case study with a company, o to its LinkedIn company page and see its followers to do cold prospecting.
Give and Get Recommendations: Make it a top priority to get your personal stories of accomplishment on your profile. If you’re in B2B sales and have no recommendations, what does that say?
View Users’ Recent Activity: Have a warm lead or a prospect sitting on a proposal? Watch what they’ve been doing by seeing their recent activity.
Add Video to Your Profile: Viewers just want a quick and simple high-level view of what you’re all about. Create a short video about yourself or upload a video about your product or company.
Hide Connections: Showing your connections provides no positive value to you. It only allows for opportunity for your competitors to click in and see who you are doing business with.
Publish Directly: Use it to post articles, share all your blogs and drive connections and followers back to other platforms. Tip: people will get an update and people tend to be extra critical on LI.
LinkedIn Video Tips for Salespeople: Tips from LI sales expert Viveka von Rosen https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/role-video-linkedin-native-finally-here-viveka-von-rosen
Why should you care about video and LinkedIn? 🔆 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video. 🔆 59% of Sr. Executives would rather watch a video than read text.
LinkedIn will also tell you how many people watched at least 3 seconds of your video and what their titles are and where they live.
Video creators will finally have access to rich data like the number of views, shares, likes, and comments.
LinkedIn video is better suited to reach a B2B audience than Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram.
You have access to data about the viewers of your videos, such as where they work, their job title, and the top markets where the video was viewed.
Keep your videos under 3 minutes – people will probably only watch for about 30 seconds.
Please remember this is LinkedIn, not Snapchat! Make sure your videos are business appropriate. You might even want to script them out for awhile, or at least have some talking points in mind.
How can salespeople use LI video? You can now use native video on LinkedIn: · 🎬 To interview experts 🎬 To broadcast an event
🎬 To Increase your credibility 🎬 To increase your KLT factor (know, like and trust) 🎬 To inspire engagement 🎬 To showcase your expertise
To interview happy customers 🎬 To showcase a product or service 🎬 To showcase a new innovation 🎬 To tell people why they should hire you 🎬 To introduce your audience to a client or employee
How To Get More Views on Your LinkedIn Posts: A LinkedIn Hack by Guy Kowasaki on SocialQuant https://www.socialquant.net/how-to-get-more-views-on-linkedin
Beat the LI Algorithm: Get 3-5x more views by NOT posting an image: LinkedIn may be favoring posts without images because those have become associated with spammy, self-promotional updates.
Beat the LI Algorithm: Get 3-5x more views by NOT posting link: LinkedIn may may favor post without links going away from LinkedIn because they want people to stay on the platform.
How to Get More Views on Your LinkedIn Articles: Tips from Social Media Today http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/3-ways-maximize-your-content-reach-linkedin
Global Reach, Specific Topics: "USA writers tend to focus on entrepreneurship & innovation. In France, the economy & macroeconomics. India cares about branding $ advertising; Brazil, anything current.
Facilitate Engagement: “The Top Voices made 10x more replies to comments on their articles than did the average LinkedIn writer”
Let LinkedIn Know: "Another tip, which comes direct from LinkedIn, is to promote your LinkedIn post on Twitter and tag LinkedIn\'s editorial team."
Do you want more sales strategy, tips & motivation? My international best-selling book The Sales Assassin is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sales-Assassin-Master-Your-Black/dp/0996269304