5 Marketing Tips to Drive Online Summer Sales

Host An Online Pop-Up Sale: Buyers are used to visiting pop-up sales in the mall or their favorite shopping area - a temporary virtual store is a way for you to surprise and entertain your visitors - and increase your sales!
Invite a TakeOver: Does your business have loyal customers and fans whose social media you love - and want to leverage for your own brand? Invite them to do a social media takeover and introduce their followers to your brand!
Create a Limited Edition Summer Product: Whatever you sell, create a limited, only available in the special summer version or offer. If you can\'t create a special product, bundle an existing service into a summer-only deal - and stick to it!
Create A Summer Box: Bundles are a popular way to introduce customer\'s to new products. Think of the subscription bundle models like FabFitFun or Dollar Shave Club.
Partner Up: Find a complimentary business and partner up for the summer: when someone buys their product, they get an invitation and special offer for yours - and vice versa. Often called referral partners or marketing partners or affiliate marketing, make sure they have a product your customers will love - and a customer base that you want to target!