What is in a Buyer Confidential Memorandum?
Source: DealGate http://biws-support.s3.amazonaws.com/CIM/CIM-08-Checklist.pdf
Summary: An overview of the business being sold, key financials, transaction background, investment considerations
Company: History and highlights, legal structure, business model, corporate vision
Business: Business segments, products and services, customers and networks
Operations: Suppliers, production
Quality Management: R&D and engineering, logistics, systems and processes
Sales & Marketing: Sales strategy, customer support
Resources: Management team, employees, wages, unions
Infrastructures: Locations, IT, assets and properties, environmental issues
Industry: Market, industry players, competitors, competitive position
Financials: Profit and loss statement, trading, balance sheet, cash flow
Outlook: Projections, goals, growth
Risk Factors: Negative aspects of the business
Authors of the CIM: Who compiled, verified and published the CIM