What is Checkli Publisher?
There are millions of searches for checklists every year. Grow your brand by by making and sharing personalized checklists your followers can easily save and complete.
Why be a publisher?
Reach a whole new audience, on our platform, of people search for checklists
Get a link to your website
Drive more traffic to your website
Grow your brand
Get more customers and followers
Spend 20 minutes making a valuable checklist, instead of 5-10 hours writing a blog post article
How to sign up for free:
Create a free Checkli account
Click Be a Publisher (Hurray while it is still free!)
Choose a unique username for your Checkli Page (checkli.com/username)
Link to your Checkli Page (checkli.com/username) from your site or blog
Upload your branding (logo, colors, banner, and contact info)
Start making checklists
Publish checklists you want to share with the world
Share your checklists on your site, blog, and social media sites
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