How to Become a Professional Content Writer
Content writing is a fast growing field. If you have a passion for writing and content creation, use your skill set to build a career as a professional content writer. Use this free checklist to help get you started.

A good and efficient laptop
Set up your workspace in a comfortable environment
A PayPal account so you can accept payments
A work email address that's separate from you personal email
A slack account for communication with companies and/or clients
A zoom account for meetings
Update all your social media profiles including your LinkedIn
Create an UpWork account to search for content writing opportunities
Motivation to look for other freelance opportunities on websites like Content Beast
Set up a portfolio that you can give to potential employers, for example, you could start a blog, or create a portfolio on Google Docs with writing examples
Create a simple website with your resume, writing samples, services, and contact information
Publish a few articles on a website like medium or contently
Take your writing seriously, even the smallest of projects, write for the job you want
Research and read about the industries you want to write for
Network with writing groups
Search for writing conferences
Look for online writing certifications
Look for guest posting opportunities
Get used to rejection and criticism