Why I left Greece
and I am not returning
Because sexism and misogyny is the norm
Because workplace bullying is common and accepted
They still have laws against blasphemy
Children are taught the Greek Orthodox Religion at school
The 'official' religion thinks I am not exactly human
Because the 'official' religion trumps over human rights on a regular basis undisputed
Because I needed to make an appointment at the embassy and when I tried to book on Thursday the 20th of October the first available date was the 20th of January
Because ambition is laughted at and arrogance is considered confidense
Because some people are 'above the law' and therefore there is no justice for anyone
Because without justice there is no real freedom
Because trying to better yourself through education and culture is considered a waste of time
Because banks treat me as a criminal rather than a customer and behave as if my savings are theirs and don't allow free access to it (for my 'own good' and for 'security reasons')
Because Greek goverment see this as normal and sides with the banks to make sure I am powerless against them.