Blog Post Promotion Checklist
Pre-publication: Prepare for promotion
Create 6-12 status updates you can use in your social media promotions
Create shareable images for each of the social networks you use: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram (I recommend using A minimum of 3 images: square, horizontal and vertical
Include a minimum of one feature image in your blog post. Landscape is best (horizontal image.)
Create a blog post trailer video (use or Adobe Spark)
Use tweets and quotes to create quote images for sharing on visual platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter
Create an image to post on Instagram Stories - 1080 x 1920 pixels
Create UTM tracking links for the sites on which you\'ll be sharing your blog post (see info here: )
Promote your published blog post
At time of publication, share your post on Twitter, your Facebook page, LinkedIn, and Pinterest if you are active on these platforms
Use your favorite scheduling tool to queue up social media posts that drip out to your preferred over 30 days; use the status updates you culled and created from your blog post
If you promote your posts on Instagram, use to offer multiple links on your bio. Update with a link to your new blog post. Example here:
Day of publicaion: Set up your post push notification (ex.
Day of publication: send email notification to your blog notification list
5-7 days after publication, upload your blog trailer video to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube
Post on Google My Business profile
If you run a LinkedIn group, share your post to the group
If you run a Facebook group, share your post to the group
30 days after promotion - review data from shares and reshare the most popular tweets and status updates
Amplification Sites (free and fee)
Bloglovin\' (free - set up with RSS feed)
Triberr (free - set up with RSS feed)
Viral Content Bee (free & fee)
Quuu Promote (fee)
Social Buzz Club (fee)
Repurposing and Republishing Your Posts
Create reminders on your calendar on the dates you plan to republish your post
14 days after publication - republish on
21 days after publication - republish on LinkedIn Articles
28 days after publication - convert to pdf doc and post on
Create a slide deck with bullet points covering your content and post on Slideshare
Get more repurposing tips:
(c) Copyright Denise Wakeman. All Rights Reserved. (Updated June 2019)