How Kindness In Business Pays Off
By Dr. Mark Skovron

Businesses that differentiate themselves through kindness and teach and enforce it in all its forms in the workplace are winning in today’s world. Why? Because most people are naturally generous, and generosity is infectious. In the retail sector, Target, Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A come to my mind.
These companies seem to attract a higher caliber employee, and it is obvious that they have taught their coworkers to create an actual experience and culture for the consumers of their products. It pays off now and will pay off more into the future since consumers want more and more to be associated with companies that are generous.
It pays off now and will pay off more into the future since consumers want more and more to be associated with companies that are generous. This is especially true for those in the generation z and the millennial groups, who will only have increasing buying power in the coming years.
At MaxGroup we teach all our coworkers to display acts of gratefulness, generosity and respect within the work environment, and to our consumers in every situation. People don’t want to buy from companies they feel are ripping them off. And employees don’t want to work for those types of companies, either. It’s just not good business.
It is interesting that when you create and model an environment that is genuinely kind, and demonstrates gratitude in the workplace, it can only naturally spill over to all coworkers, and the customer then benefits. At MaxGroup Business Solutions, we do not attempt to sell or "close" anything. We concentrate on providing the answers and solutions that the consumer is searching for, and our focus is always on building a quality long-term relationship.
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