Mother's & Women's Day
MaxGroup Business Solutions, LLC. honors mothers and women everywhere today and every day for being the very foundation of care-taking, kindness and love whilst not forfeiting their power.
The future of this planet depends on our intelligent, courageous, empowered and purpose-driven women. I have embraced this for years and welcome it with open arms
In celebration of the very immensely generous and full life of Elista "Girlie" Corkrin, MaxGroup shall be establishing an annual "Kindness Scholarship" for college students and announcing the details within days via our media company, MaxGroup Media.
To all of our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, and all of the women who don\'t choose motherhood -- the planet, our peace, our politics and businesses need and belong to you!
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind." (Unknown).