Book Club Questions for A Girl's Guide to Chicago
Read the new, fun, quirky, and inspiring, chicklit novel, A Girl's Guide to Chicago. Share this checklist with your book club and answer the questions below. (Don't worry, there's no spoilers if you haven't read it yet!)

How would you describe the main character (Kelly) in the book?
Did this book change your mind about how Chicago is portrayed?
What three words would you use to best describe, A Girl's Guide to Chicago?
After reading about all the places Kelly experienced, which three places are you most excited to go to?
What was your favorite moment in the book?
What was your least favorite moment in the book?
Who was your favorite character in the book?
What choices would you have made differently if you were in Kelly's shoes?
Which character did you most relate to?
If you were in charge of casting the movie version of this book, who would you cast as each character?
What surprised you the most when you were reading this book?
If you could write one more chapter after the ending, what would you write? What do you think happens next?
How did this book touch your life? Can you relate to it on any level?
Would you want to read a sequel?
You can buy the book here or on --->