College Application Checklist

college applications college applications
  • Download or print the application

  • Make a note of all deadlines - regular and early dates

  • Request high school transcript and your 1st semester grades

  • Complete any required admission tests

  • Schedule and prepare for SAT tests, AP exams, etc.

  • Once you receive test scores, be sure to send all results to the universities you\'re applying to

  • Request recommendation letters, and send thank you notes to those who do

  • Draft your application essays. Have more than one person proofread them. Then, revise the essays, then have them proofread a **second time. Complete those second corrections.

  • Visit the campuses you\'re interested in for interviews with the admissions department

  • Also attempt to set up an interview with an alumni of the campus

  • Submit FAFSA

  • Submit PROFILE (if necessary)

  • Keep in mind the early and regular financial aid deadlines

  • Complete college application

  • Make copies of all of your application documents

  • Prepare money for application fees

  • Sign and send applications

  • Send forms for college financial aid, and state financial aid (if needed)

  • Obtain a confirmation (or receipt) of your application materials

  • Beware of and submit any additional materials that individual universities might require

  • Keep you high school counselor informed of all of your applications

  • Wait until you receive a letter from the admissions department regarding your application\'s fate

  • Wait also until you receive a letter notifying you of any aid you are awarded (from the school or state)

  • You have a deadline to accept the offer to attend the university - decide before then!

  • Accept financial offer in relation to the school offer as well

  • Politely decline the universities you will not attend

This checklist was created by gregt

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