13-Point Checklist for Building Better Online Quizzes
Make the first question simple — this gives students confidence right off the bat.
Switch up the kind of questions you use.
Fill in the blanks
Open-ended/short answer
Multiple choice
Keep the format consistent throughout the quiz.
Maintain the same number of answer options.
Answer options should be concise.
Present your quiz questions in the same order in which you taught the lesson.
Plan out the timing of the test.
Prepare a secondary assignment for students to work on if they get done early.
Split the test into two parts if it’s really long.
Change the quiz to an essay to cover more content.
Aim for 6 to 12 questions per quiz.
Make sure there is only one completely correct answer for every question.
Test students on several learning levels.
The majority of questions should test lower levels (application, recall, and comprehension)
Add some questions that test higher levels (evaluation, analysis, and synthesis)
Avoid words such as “always” or “never” as they can often be used to trick students.
Be sure to focus on only one idea or piece of information per question.
Use a resource like Help Teaching to help you find the best quiz questions.
How To Create A Free Quiz Online
Create a free account by visiting https://www.helpteaching.com/free-quiz-maker.