Packing List for New England in Winter
New England boasts gorgeous pines and lots of snowfall, making for a true winter wonderland from December to March. Try a range of winter activities such as cross-country skiing, sledding, and snowshoeing. Just remember to bundle up and keep warm. {Hot tip: Copy/save this list and customize by adding new items and replacing others!}

3–4 blouses
1 warm dress
1 pair tights
1–2 sweaters
1 pair of nice jeans
4–5 pairs socks
1–2 thin short-sleeve wool or synthetic shirts
1 thin long-sleeve wool/synthetic shirt
1 pair yoga pants - great for leggings under a dress
2 bras, 6 pairs underwear
Snow boots or shoes - If you’re going to camp in a yurt in northern Maine, bring actual snow boots
Dress boots
1 hat or fleece ear band
1 warm scarf
1 pair gloves
Mittens 1 mid-weight jacket
1 down jacket
1 outer shell
Lotion – It gets dry in the winter, so bring plenty!
Deodorant, shampoo, conditioner
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