Foods to avoid during pregnancy
Fish exposed to industrial pollutants
Raw or undercooked eggs
Raw meat and poultry
Raw shellfish
Fish containing mercury
Deli meats
Soft cheeses
Unwashed fruits & vegetables
Unpasteurized milk
Raw sprouts
Certain fruits & vegetables like papaya, black grapes, pineapple, cabbage & lettuce, eggplant
Foods that cause allergy
Excess caffine
Restaurant-made salads
Unpasteurized juices
Herbal teas & supplements
Canned foods like fruits, vegetables, sodas, pasta, soup, tuna
Nitrate-rich foods like cured sandwich meats, bacon, deli meats, sausages, salami, and hot dogso
Sugar-rich foods like desserts, candies, cakes, ice creams, biscuits, chocolates, and sweetened beverages
Street foods! Avoid hot dogs, burritos, churros, cotton candy, soft pretzels, etc.
Fatty foods like general fast food, processed food, and takeaways like crackers, cookies, frozen pizza, fried foods, margarine, and frosting
Artificial sweeteners
Homemade goodies - don\'t eat raw cookie dough, and stay away from homemade ice cream
Excess of vitamins (best to consult your doc on this)
Smoked Seafood
Leftovers - this includes cold foods or foods that have been left at room temperature for more than a couple of hours (they could now contain bacteria)