2018 Holiday to Observe
January 2018
1st - New Years Day
6th - Epiphany
7th - Orthodox Christmas
14th - Orthodox New Year
15th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 2018
2nd - Groundhog Day
12th - Lincoln\'s Birthday
14th - Ash Wednesday
14th - Valentine\'s Day
16th - Chinese New Year
19th - Presidents\' Day
March 2018
11th - Daylight Savings Time Begins
17th - St. Patrick\'s Day
25th - Palm Sunday
30th - Good Friday
31st - Passover Begins
April 2018
1st - Easter Sunday
7th - Passover Ends
8th - Orthodox Easter
17th - Tax Day
25th - Administrative Professionals Day
26th - Take Your Sons/Daughter to Work Day
May 2018
5th - Cinco de Mayo
13th - Mother\'s Day
19th - Armed Forces Day
28th - Memorial Day
June 2018
10th - Lialiat - al-Qadr
15th - Eid al-Fitr
17th - Father\'s Day
July 2018
4th - Independance Day
August 2018
22nd - Eid al-Adha
September 2018
3rd - Labor Day
10th - Rosh Hashana
19th - Yom Kippur
24th - First Day of Sukkot
30th - Last Day of Sukkot
October 2018
8th - Columbus Day
16th - Boss\'s Day
31st - Halloween
November 2018
4th - Daylight Savings Time Ends
6th - Election Day
11th - Veterns Day
22nd - Thanksgiving Day
December 2018
3rd - Chanukah/Hanukkah Begins
7th - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
10th - Chanukah/Hanukkah Ends
25th - Christmas Day
26th - Kwanzaa
31st - New Year\'s Eve