25 Extinct Animals That Scientists Want To Bring Back
25 Extinct Animals
25. Gastric-brooding Frog
24. Moho
23. Huia
22. Caribbean Monk Seal
21. Steller’s Sea Cow
20. Thylacine
19. Baiji
18. Smilodon
17. Quagga
16. Pyrenean Ibex
15 Passenger Pigeon
14. Elephant Bird
13. Moa
12. Mastodon
11. Woolly Mammoth
10. Great Auk
9. Imperial Woodpecker
8. Ivory-billed Woodpecker
7. Heath Hen
6. Labrador Duck
5. Dusky Seaside Sparrow
4. Dodo
3. Aurochs
2. Cuban Macaw
1. Carolina Parakeet