25 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Living Expenses

Avoid buying anything you don't really need
Make your own coffee at home
Pay bills online. Stamps get expensive after a while
Make gifts and cards instead of buying them
Use the library instead of buying books and renting movies
Get a cheaper cable plan
Set the thermostat warmer in summer and cooler in winter
Eat breakfast at home
Use mass transportation
Don't be afraid to haggle on prices
Go to the park instead of the movies
Vacation close to home
Inflate your tires to the proper pressure to cut down on gasoline expense
Wash your car at home
Plan meals before you go shopping
Seal your windows and doors to cut down on utility bills
Turn down your hot water heater
camp instead of paying for a hotel
Buy non-perishables in bulk
Buy generic brands
Use coupons
Use fluorescent bulbs
Get a cheaper cell phone plan
Ride your bike