Making Superior Decisions
Highly successful people tend to make decisions quickly and rarely change their minds. Do you have these traits - or do you struggle to make decisions and then waffle back and forth afterward. Having a decision making process to follow can be a faster and more effective alternative. Try this proven process to make wise decisions.

Set a deadline and stick to it. Is spending another week in turmoil really going to help you make up your mind?
Make a list of pros and cons to clarify your choices. Draw a line down the middle of your page and put the pros on one side and cons on the other for each option.
Avoid allowing fear to paralyze you. A fear of change can prevent you from seriously considering any of your options and keep you from making any decision at all.
Which option is most supportive of your long-term goals?
Project into the future and imagine how you'll feel about your choice.
Realize that it doesn't matter (much). When you're faced with a couple of good choices, either choice may work out fine. Simply making the choice and following through consistently will yield great results.