20 Things I Wish I Could Tell Myself 20 Years Ago
1. Save 20% of everything you make.
2. Invest in index funds.
3. Buy real estate, and as much as you can
4. Stand (don\'t sit) at your desk, or your back will be jacked for life
5. Learn to control your emotions.
6. Meditate once per day. Your brain needs a break too.
7. Take extra care of your teeth. They are important to your Health.
8. Sugar will kill you and they do not Care!
9. Always keep your mind open. Things are not always what they seem.
10. Take responsibility for everything. Never make excuses!
11. Don’t believe all the hype.
12. Walking is as important as eating and breathing.
13. Be in the present. Anxiety lives in the future.
14. Travel More and meet different people
15. Move around. You can settle down later.
16. Talk to aging loved ones because one day they will be gone.
17. Journal once per day. Your future self is curious
18. Learn self-awareness and how you impact others.
19. Listen, don’t wait to talk. There is a difference.
20. Trust your gut. It\'s usually right!