Super Simple SEO for Home Pages
A free checklist of tasks to complete to make sure your home page is SEO-friendly for Google, and properly optimized for your target search term.

Identify the target search term (keyword).
Naturally use the search term at the beginning of the home page title tag.
Use the search term or variations in the home page description tag..
Rename the logo file name using a variation of the target search term.
Use search term in the file name of the main image.
Naturally use the search term in the caption and alt tag of the main image.
Naturally use the search term in one of the heading tags (H1-H3).
Naturally use the search term or variations 2-3 times max in the post.
Bold or italicize an entire sentence in the post containing search term.
Use variations of the search term in all image file names, alt tags and captions.