10 Steps To Stop Panic In Its Tracks
Recognize that you are about to have a panic attack -- you don\'t want to avoid it.
Feel the panic wave hit you and talk to yourself through the minutes...what\'s exactly happening?
Your brain is in fight-or-flight mode, and you want to fight it. Take a seat and put your hand over your heart -- feel how fast your heart rate is. Though it\'s going fast, your body CAN handle it.
Why? Because panic is in our instincts. We were made to feel it in times of fear (going back to ancient times).
Coping with it -- you\'ve had it happen before, this time it\'s no different. Tell yourself multiple times that the wave will pass.
Lay down somewhere quiet and dark and put a cool washcloth on your forehead -- the sensation is calming.
Make yourself busy. This can be as simple of a task as making a cup of tea; something that will temporarily distract your brain.
Worry stones do help! Same goes for focusing on any type of texture. You can find stress balls almost everywhere!
Visit YouTube and watch vlogs of people who have the same condition. You are not alone. Watching other people deal with panic is very calming.
Take your medicine in your worst case scenario and schedule a visit with your doctor. Panic CAN be treated!