Content Writer Onboarding Checklist
Each time you hire a new content writer to join your team, complete these processes to ensure a smooth and efficient onboarding experience for your new team member.

Give a basic introduction of the company and objectives for the project
Collect all necessary contact details from content writer
Send out/receive contract (if necessary)
Set up communication (email, software, etc)
Set up platforms (WordPress) (which tools will be used to complete the project)
Add and include all project information and project guidelines to onboarding document
Add communication guidelines, check-ins, meetings, etc to onboarding document
Add expectations and deliverables (including timeline and schedule) to onboarding document
Add article/blog guidelines to onboarding document (
Add company/blog style guidelines to onboarding document
Establish payment method and schedule
Send/email a welcome packet/ create and send onboarding document