Digital Marketing Assistant Daily, Weekly, Monthly Checklist
Save and share this checklist with your Digital Marketing Assistant to help you build your brand online or help build your client's brand. Edit/add to this checklist as needed.

Check and evaluate Instagram and Facebook ad promotions
Engage with followers (especially MVP's) across all social media platforms
Check stats across all social media platforms (do this a few times a week)
Engage with other influencers across all social media platforms
Make sure you respond to questions across all social media platforms (don't forget your blog articles)
Check your mentions on all platforms
Respond to DM (direct messages) on all platforms
Monitor your keywords, look for trending topics
Make sure posts are scheduled on all platforms (including blog posts)
Check out other related profiles on all platforms
Follow new followers on all platforms
Engage and compliment at least one new person on each platform
RT relevant tweets and/or join a Twitter chat
Create new content to share every day
Spend time repining, creating new pins, engaging, and following on Pinterest
Research hashtags, other profiles, posts, and stories
Look at analytics on all social media accounts. Take notes that you can use to help create monthly social media audit
Monitor keywords, research new keywords, look for trending topics
Research your competitors (did any of their content do especially well, take notes)
Review and audit current social media campaigns. Are monthly goals met?
Assit with creating monthly social media audit
Research upcoming holidays and events that can be used to help the brand or business
Help with creating and editing blog posts
Help with planning content for the following week (posts, photos, content stories)
Update one old blog posts, check for outdated and broken (affiliate) links (Goal should be two to four blog posts a month)
Assit with creating pinable images for Pinterest
Publish posts to Instagram (Instagram should automatically link to Facebook)
Assit with planning out partnership content
Assist with creating topics ideas for the following month
Assist with creating content calendar for each month
Research any new social media news/articles/updates
Work on PR pitches for partnerships
Work on creating content calendar for next month
Assist with PR packages (send thank you notes)
Assist with responding to email
Assist with with brand promotions
Assist with pitching to potential brand
Create and assist with sending out marketing emails and campaigns
Attend weekly team brainstorm meeting