Section 4: Special Considerations for Shared Transportation

  • 1. Provide as much space between riders as possible.

  • 2. Group (or cohort) workers in the same crews and/or those sharing living quarters together when transporting.

  • 3. Increase the number of vehicles and/or the frequency of trips.

  • 4. Provide hand washing/sanitizing stations for use before riders enter a vehicle and when arriving at their destination.

  • 5. Train riders to follow coughing and sneezing etiquette.

    See description
  • 6. Encourage all vehicle occupants to wear cloth face coverings.

    See description
  • 7. Clean and disinfect vehicles in accordance with CDC guidelines for non-emergency transport vehicles before and after each trip, or daily at minimum.

    See description
This checklist was created by pnash

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