Washington Wildfire Smoke Employer Training Checklist


  • The latest rules and resources will be posted here: lni.wa.gov/safety-health/safety-topics/topics/wildfire-smoke

    See description
  • Download this template for an Accident Prevention Program Addendum: https://www.lni.wa.gov/safety-health/_docs/WildfireSmokeAPPAddendum.docx

  • 2. IDENTIFY HARMFUL EXPOSURES. Employers are required to monitor air quality before each shift and periodically throughout the day. Air quality data can be checked using any of the following resources:

  • airnow.gov (get NowCast AQI air quality where you are)

  • enviwa.ecology.wa.gov (interactive map of WA air monitoring network)

  • tools.airfire.org (links to federal wildfire & air quality tools)

  • enviroflash.info (receive notifications about air quality changes)

  • wasmoke.blogspot.com (one-stop-shop for WA smoke information)

  • airnow.gov/airnow-mobile-app/ (download EPA AirNow app)

  • 3. COMMUNICATE HAZARDS. Employers must establish and implement a system for communicating wildfire smoke hazards when: (1) two consecutive NowCast AQI readings for PM2.5 are 69+ or (2) one NowCast AQI reading for PM2.5 is 151+. The system should:

  • Include protective measures that can be taken against wildfire smoke exposure

  • Encourage employees to report worsening air quality and adverse symptoms

  • 4. INFORM & TRAIN. Employers must provide all employees and supervisors information about wildfire smoke before work that exposes the employee to an AQI of 69+. Employers must describe in their Accident Prevention Plan how they will provide supervisors with the required training.

  • Employee training:

  • L&I training videos: wisha-training.lni.wa.gov/training/articulate/WildfireSmokeSafety/story.html

  • Supervisor training must include employee training along with procedures supervisors must follow:

  • To implement WAC 296-62-085; Wildfire Smoke lni.wa.gov/rulemaking-activity/AO21-26/2126CR103EAdoption.pdf

  • If an employee exhibits adverse symptoms of wildfire smoke exposure

  • For transporting employees to an emergency medical service provider if necessary

  • 5. RESPOND TO EXPOSURE SYMPTOMS. Employers must:

  • Monitor employees displaying adverse exposure symptoms to determine whether medical attention is necessary

  • Allow employees who show signs of injury or illness to seek medical treatment without any retaliation

  • Have a plan made in advance for prompt medical treatment of employees in the event of serious injury or illness


  • Encouraged to implement exposure controls when the NowCast AQI reading for PM2.5 is 69+

  • Required to implement exposure controls when the NowCast AQI reading for PM2.5 is 151+

  • Some example controls include:

  • Providing enclosed buildings or structures with filtered air

  • Providing portable HEPA filters in enclosed areas

  • Relocating work to a location with a lower concentration of PM2.5

  • Changing work schedules to a time with a lower concentration of PM2.5

  • Reducing work intensity

  • Providing more rest periods


  • Encouraged to provide respirators at no cost to employees when the NowCast AQI reading for PM2.5 is 69+

  • Required to provide respirators at no cost to employees when the NowCast AQI reading for PM2.5 is 151+


  • Note: AQI 69 = WAQA 101 = 20.5μg/m3

  • Note: AQI 151 = WAQA 173 = 55.5μg/m3

  • For more resources please visit the PNASH wildfire smoke safety website: deohs.washington.edu/pnash/wildfiresmoke

This checklist was created by pnash

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