15 Signs That He Likes You
He leans towards you whenever you are sitting close to one another.
He rarely turns his back on you.
He maintains eye contact with you.
He smiles a lot and looks at you keenly.
He finds an excuse to touch you whenever he has the chance.
He might try to make you jealous by flirting with other girls.
He will often show interest in things you like or that matter to you.
If he looks away quickly when you notice he is watching you.
He will be nervous around you — this is especially true if you haven’t known one another for long.
He will have a seemingly never-ending smile on his face whenever you are around him.
He will mimic, imitate, or try to do whatever you happen to do in the way you do it.
He might tease you a lot, and this can especially be a massive sign he likes you when he doesn’t tease other girls around him.
He may playfully pinch your body, especially hands and cheeks.
He starts many conversations. He asks questions and is interested in talking to you.
He compliments and congratulates you, even when there is nothing big you have achieved to warrant praise from him.
LEARN MORE: https://pairedlife.com/dating/How-Do-You-Know-A-Guy-Likes-You