Achieve 10,000 daily steps
One of the simplest yet healthiest exercises you can do is WALKING! Here's how you can easily incorporate it into your daily routine.

Walk your dog (if you have any) farther than usual. Feel like you don't have time to? Yes you do. Wake up earlier.
Take the stairs, not the elevator, when possible. 4 flights up? Go for it! 8 flights up? You're my hero!
Take walk outside on your lunch break, even if you brought food to work. Get outside for a few minutes and stroll around the block.
Park farther away from the entrance than you usually do in parking lots.
If you take public transportation, get off the bus or subway 1-2 stops early.
Walk more often to a fountain or drink machine for water. (This will also help you keep more hydrated!)
Walk for 1 hour in the morning or evening. Waking up can be hard, but this is just walking - nothing strenuous! You can do it.
If something - anything - you need is 5 minutes or less in walking distance, why drive there? Walk.
Do you have multiple grocery bags loaded in your car? Good! Walk each bag individually into the house. Back and forth to the car.
Do you stand much of the time at work? If the answer to that is YES, you can step in place, like a stationary marcher. It might sound silly, but even this helps.
Feeling full after a dinner? Take an easy night stroll to walk it off.
Instead of emailing or calling a co-worker, why not walk over to their desk to chat in person?
When you're on one of those long-winded phone calls with family/friends, walk some circles around the house. You'd be surprised how much it adds up!
***The point is this - adding more steps to your day is not a difficult task. You simply must put the lazy mindset aside and just get to it.***