New Baby Coming Home Checklist
Crib and mattress
High chair
Audio or video monitor
Baby sling or front carrier
Bathtub for infant
Bouncer seat or swing
Clothing hangers
Diaper pail and liners
Infant or convertible car seat
Shopping cart cover
Stroller or travel-system stroller
Bottle brush
4 to 6 bottles (4 to 5 ounces each)
Breast pump, if nursing
Dishwasher caddy for bottles
Formula, if using
Infant feeding spoons and bowls
Insulated bottle carrier
Nipples for bottles
4 to 6 pacifiers, if using
Sippy cups
2 to 4 bassinet sheets
6 to 12 burping cloths
2 carriage blankets
2 to 3 changing pad covers
2 crib blankets
2 crib comforters
2 to 4 crib sheets
2 hooded bath towels
2 quilted crib pads
2 receiving blankets
2 to 4 swaddle sets
4 to 6 washcloths
2 waterproof mattress pads
2 to 4 bibs
Bunting or snowsuit
2 to 4 hats
1 to 2 jackets
No-scratch mittens
9 to 12 pairs of bootees or socks
3 to 5 pairs of pants
4 to 6 side-snap onesies
4 to 6 side-snap undershirts
Safety gates
Safety cabinet and drawer latches
Safety outlet covers.
Changing table
Changing pad