StrikeBotâ„¢ Discord Commands
"-help" (shows what the bot does and its commands)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-prune" (deletes previous messages said by other users; must have the Bot Commander role)
Admin and above can execute this command.
"-ping" (shows the lag of the Strike Bot)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-roll" (rolls a number between 1-6)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-roast" (severely roasts you)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-8ball (the magical 8-ball will reveal your future)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-stats" (shows you the current stats about the StrikeBot)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-ship" (takes two random users in the server and pairs them)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-dunk @[user]" (the user saying the command dunks on the tagged user)
Everyone can execute this command.
"-ban @[user] [reason]" (must have the Bot Commander role and channel named "Moderation" to post logs in)
Admin and above can execute this command.
"-kick @[user] [reason]" (must have the Bot Commander role and channel named "Moderation" to post logs in)
Mod and above can execute this command.
"-softban @[user] [reason]" (must have the Bot Commander role and channel named "Moderation" to post logs in)
Mod and above can execute this command.
"-warn @[user] [reason]" (must have the Bot Commander role and channel named "Moderation" to post logs in)
Mod and above can execute this command.
"-website" (posts the StrikeBot website)
Everyone can execute this command.