Tips for Self-Love
Don\'t be afraid to accept compliments.
Make a point of complimenting yourself while you\'re alone.
Stay active, even if you don\'t want to.
Make sure you are outside for at least one hour every day (its actually a thing, really cool)
Eat at all meals so you feel nourished.
Stay hydrated (focus on water and juices you like) to avoid intense fatigue.
Try your best to be comfortable with your own skin. Avoid mirrors that cause you to stare for long amounts of time, if needed.
Do not purchase anything that can be used to inflict harm on to yourself. Have someone else get rid of it if you feel you don\'t have the strength.
Do not force yourself to go places/ do something you don\'t want to to make other people happy.
Take as much time as you need to regain strength when you\'re at your lowest points.
Understand that not everything your brain tells you is true.
Rejoice any and all accomplishments you gain, no matter the importance.
Leave anyone who makes you feel less of yourself or makes no point of making you feel better. (friends, family, and partners)
Know that there is no set definition of beauty, and you should never compare yourself to people in media.
Find upsides to your insecurities (ie. "Having a flatter chest helps me to exercise easier")
On that note: Exercise, but make sure you are doing it the right way. You should go through at least one bottle of water every 1-2 hours, depending on the activity.
Eat before you exercise to avoid vertigo (foods with protein and sugar is good for endurance). Eat within 1-2 hours after exercising as well (preferably something somewhat healthy)
Don\'t plan too many things at once. Give your brain time to calm down.
Famous Proverb: "Treat others as you would like to be treated." As frustrated as you may be at times, do not take it out on other people.
Do not take it out on yourself either.
When feeling frustrated with yourself, take a break from the activity that is causing you to feel this way, take a 10-20 minute break to do something you enjoy, then return to it.
Reach out to support systems (trustworthy friends and family) when you need help mentally. Do not be worried about "wasting their time". Since you are close, they care about you, and want to help you.
Do not be afraid to say "no".
Listen to music that you like to jam out to and play it as loud as you can, through headphones or speakers.
Understand that the past is the past. Forgive yourself, as hard as it may be.
Use your feelings to make art. Draw, Paint, and Color out your feelings until you feel better. (You do not have to be a good artist to do this!)
Do not set unreal expectations for yourself. Dreams are great, but understand the difference between healthy and dangerous.
Write songs, poems, and stories. Finally be the main character in that movie you dream of when you look out the window on a rainy day.
Sometimes phones, social media, and such cause us unneeded stress. Though it may seem boring, take breaks so you\'re not constantly overloading your brain with information.
Find people who you can be totally comfortable around.
Find places where you can be totally comfortable.
Find clothes you can be totally comfortable in.
Take advantage of good moods. Create positive and uplifting things for yourself for when you\'re feeling down.
(I cut and taped my favorite song lyrics and pasted them all over my door to look at when I can\'t sleep)
Find that inner joy in your soul. It is often shut out and silenced by destructive thoughts, so it may be difficult to awaken, but you can do it.
Put your hand over your heart. Feel it beating. Know you have been created and given a purpose. You may have not found it yet, but its there.
No matter how much you hate to admit it, acknowledge the love and admiration many people have for you. There is always going to be someone who loves you, whether you know it or not.
Think of your friend\'s and family\'s reaction if you ended your life. How devastated they would be, even if your relationship with them was tough.
Look at the sky. Realize how many more sunrises you have left to witness.
The stars you haven\'t counted yet.
The new songs you haven\'t heard yet.
The new movies you haven\'t seen yet.
The new friends you haven\'t made yet.
And understand you\'re going to need more time on this earth if you wish to experience those.
Remember that nothing is set in stone. No matter how unhappy you are at one given moment, a time WILL come when you will be happier.
And, if needed, call this number: 1-800-273-8255 (NSH)
I hope this helps in any way, shape, or form.
You are loved, and things WILL get better.
I never thought they would.
But things are getting better, slowly.
I wish you the best of luck in finding your inner happiness.
"Know this: you can start over each morning." -Tyler Joseph