Basic Estate Planning Checklist

Go over estate planning basics - what happens if either death or disability occur, family financial well-being, how to decrease estate taxes, appointing beneficiaries, etc.
Prepare ownership of assets - set up a direct transfer to a new owner for any item that has a title (or create joint owners)
Determine your beneficiaries - this stipulates who will receive the property after your death, without giving those people "current" ownership.
Anticipate debts/expenses with insurance policies - this includes burial expenses, and ensures all is paid for after death.
Draft the final will and testament - this covers probated property, care of children who are minors (or adult children with disabilities), and distribution of any property not under joint ownership
Appoint and executor of the estate outlined in your will, and someone you trust to be the guardian of any loved ones who need care
A living trust? Consider this for large estates or a large number of beneficiaries to distribute property and decrease taxes
Appoint a financial Power of Attorney (POA) - this person will act on your behalf if you no longer have mental capacity to take part, or upon your death (only as you stipulate)
Also consider appointing a health care POA - discuss your wishes for medical treatment & care in the event you are too ill to voice those interests or concerns
Create a living will (or an "advance directive") - this will go in conjunction with a heath care POA.
Draft any wishes/information for the Executor - this is not a legal document like the others, but rather words for guidance and last remaining desires (burial instructions, where to find docs, etc.)