25 Ways To Reduce Stress
you can keep stress from building up inside you by employing stress reduction techniques on a daily basis. Try these strategies to help keep your stress at bay.

Share a meal with those you love
Take some deep breaths
Sing out loud
Lay down
have a good cry if you feel like you need to
Ask your kids about their day
Take a break from your challenges
Go out for an evening with your partner or friends
Get out into nature
Listen to music
Let it go
Go to the gym to workout
Give yourself a break. Remind yourself that nobody’s perfect
Talk to someone about your stress
Exercise with a DVD
Journal your feelings
Get lost in a good book
Watch your favorite comedy on tv or rent a funny movie
Call a relative
Call a counselor
Go to the movies with friends
Play with your kids
Cook something
Use visual imagery to watch your stress drain from your body or float up, up and away