Cessna 152 Checklist
Before Starting Engine
1. Preflight Inspection complete.
2. Seats adjusted and locked in position.
3. Seat belts and shoulder harnesses fastened.
4. Fuel shutoff valve on.
5. Radios and electrical equipment off.
6. Brakes test and hold.
Starting the Engine
1. Circuit breakers in.
2. Mixture rich.
3. Carburetor heat cold.
4. Prime up to three strokes.
5. Throttle open 1/2 inch.
6. Master switch ON.
7. Beacon on.
8. Propeller area check and shout “Clear”.
9. Ignition switch start.
10. Adjust rpm with throttle to 1000 or less.
11. Oil pressure check.
12. Mixture lean one inch for taxi.
13. Flaps up.
14. Radios on.
15. Transponder standby.
Before Takeoff
1. Brakes set.
2. Cabin doors latched.
3. Flight controls free and moving correctly.
4. Elevator trim moves correctly and set in takeoff position.
5. Fuel valve on.
6. Mixture rich, assuming takeoff below 3000 feet.
7. Throttle advance smoothly to 1700 rpm (make sure you still have the brakes applied.)
8. Oil pressure and temperature should be checked and be in the green.
9. Ammeter check.
10. Suction gauge check in the green.
11. Carburetor Heat. – Check by pulling out the carburetor heat control to the on or hot position. A small drop in rpm should occur. Push the carburetor heat control back to the off or cold position and the rpm should return to 1700 rpm.
12. Magnetos. – Check by turning the key to position marked right. The rpm will drop but the drop should not be more than 125 rpm. Turn the key back to the position marked “both”. The rpm should return to 1700. Turn the key to the position marked “left”. The rpm will drop but the drop should not be more than 125 rpm. Turn the key back to the position marked “both” The difference between the rpm in the right and left positions should no more than 50.
13. Throttle – reduce to idle.
14. Flight instruments – Set the directional gyro (heading indicator) to agree with the magnetic direction indicator (compass). Set the altimeter to the field elevation (this only applies to those of us flying according to FAA procedures, those flying outside the United States should verify local regulations) or local altimeter setting.
15. Radios set to desired frequencies.
16. Brakes release prior to taxi. ( Takeoff - 1. Landing light on, 2. Transponder set to Altitude Encoding, 3. Full throttle, 4. Engine instruments in the green, 5. Lift nose wheel 50 KIAS, 6. Establish 67 KIAS climb )
Before Landing
1. Seats and belts secured.
2. Mixture full rich (unless landing at a high altitude airport)
3. Carburetor heat on.
4. Primer locked.
After Landing
1. Flaps up.
2. Carburetor heat off.
3. Mixture adjust for taxi.
4. Transponder standby.
5. Landing light off.
1. Brakes set.
2. Radios off.
3. Mixture idle cut off – Pull all the way out
4. Ignition off – It is very important that the engine has been completely stopped by leaning the mixture before you touch the ignition switch.
5. Beacon light off.
6. Master switch off.