Checklist: Pregnancy Timeline
This handy month-by-month pregnancy guide takes you through every stage of the journey, from TTC to your beautiful three-month-old baby.

See the dentist
Preconception checkup
Get tetanus booster and German measles and chicken pox immunizations
Talk to relatives about family medical history including birth defects, miscarriages and genetic disorders
Start taking prenatal vitamins
If self employed, apply for a private disability policy
Weeks 1-8
Take pregnancy test
Tell your partner the good news
Find an OB/GYN
Schedule prenatal checkup
Research insurance — how does it deal with pregnancy and children?
Make sure partner has short and long term disability
Figure out how pregnancy, baby and maternity leave will affect finances
Create a savings plan for your child's future expenses
Make a budget to start saving now
First prenatal checkup (week 4-8)
Weeks 8-12
Start buying maternity clothes
Chorionic villus sampling
Nuchal translucency screening (week 10-12)
Chromosomal disorder screening (week 10-14)
Doctor visit
Weeks 12-16
Start planning maternity leave and postpartum work schedule
Tell boss about pregnancy
Doctor visit
Milestone: Tell friends and family?
Weeks 16-20
Start planning nursery
Look into childcare options
Doctor visit
Standard mid-pregnancy ultrasound
Amniocentesis and triple screen (week 15-18)
Milestone: Find out baby's gender?
Milestone: Hear baby's heartbeat with stethoscope?
Milestone: First baby kick?
Milestone: Belly starting to show?
Weeks 20-24
Start pediatrician interviews
Research and sign up for childbirth classes
Figure out baby shower logistics (date, host, location, guests, etc.)
If banking cord blood, figure out where and order kit
Doctor visit
Weeks 24-28
Update or write will, including directions for child's inheritance and guardianship
Purchase life insurance
Update 401K and retirement account beneficiaries
If using doula, start interviews
Start childcare interviews
Send out shower invites
Register for shower gifts
Doctor visit
Weeks 28-32
Babyproof house
Start fetal kick counts
Prepare birth plan
Baby shower
Send thank-you notes for gifts (start one week after shower)
Cook and freeze meals for after delivery
Start childbirth class
Doctor visits (two this month)
Milestone: Others feel baby move?
Weeks 32-36
Buy any baby items still needed
Prepare all baby first aid and emergency items
Print and fill out emergency sheets
Get a low-maintenance haircut
Finish painting nursery
Get car seat inspected
Pack hospital bag
Contact local cord blood bank if interested in donating
Find out what screening tests your hospital routinely gives newborns
Speak with doctor about any additional tests you'd like run
Doctor visits (two this month)
Group B strep test (week 35-37)
Milestone: Last day of work
Milestone: Last week to fly safely (week 35)
Weeks 36-delivery
Doctor visits (weekly until delivery)
Non-stress test
Biophysical profile
Month 1
Hepatitis B #1 (birth-two months)
Pediatrician visit (week 2-4)
Month 2
Baby old enough to be accepted at some daycares (week 6)
Meet with manager to discuss work hours and return to projects
Hepatitis B #2 (month 1-4)
Milestone: First day back at work
Month 3
Pediatrician visit
DtaP, Hib, polio, PCV and rotovirus vaccines
Milestone: First smile