The Prepared Teacher’s Field Trip Checklist
There is certainly no shortage of things for a group leader to remember when preparing for a field trip, especially if the trip lasts several days. Creating a field trip checklist will organize your thoughts and save you from those final moments of panic.

The Week Before (minimum)
Submit need for subs/coverage to school office.
Submit instructional plan for students not attending the school trip.
Submit names and cell phone numbers of all faculty and chaperones attending the school trip.
Distribute list of students who will be attending the school trip to all faculty (including attendance office) and include the times you are leaving/returning.
Notify Health Office of students participating and review medication needs. Will a nurse be attending your trip?
Verify that trip is on the school field trip calendar.
Notify cafeteria of the number of students going on the trip.
Submit copies of signed permission slips to school office.
Submit copies of volunteer/chaperone form to school office for all non-faculty members attending the trip.
The Night Before To Do:
Set your alarm clock
Send out a final reminder to parents about the meeting time and location (by automated call service, email, or text message).
Communicate with your tour leader to confirm meeting time and location.
Check the weather forecast.
Gather any maps you would like to have on hand.
Charge your cell phone.
Charge your camera battery.
To Pack:
Completed Parent Permission Forms
Completed Medical Waiver Forms
Emergency Contact Information for Each Student
Lanyards and Lanyard Name Tags for Each Student
Sharpie Marker
School Trip T-Shirts (if applicable)
Extra Copies of the Itinerary
Extra Copies of the Rooming List
Extra Copies of the Bus Roster
Camera (confirm batteries are charged)
Cell Phone Charger
Emergency Numbers Saved to Your Cellphone
Scholastica Travel Emergency Line: 1-800-245-3511
Tour Leader Cell Phone Number
Bus Company Number
Chaperone Cell Phone Numbers
Bus Leader Bags ( Provided by Scholastica) Packed with These Items
Bottled Water and Snacks for the Bus (for You)
Entertainment for the Bus (for You) – Book, iPad, Magazine, etc.
Weather Appropriate Clothing
Weather Appropriate Gear
Extra Coat
Umbrella / Poncho
Sunglasses / Sunscreen
Photo ID
First Aid Kit
Spare Lenses/Contacts
Light Stick – for students to easily find you during evening touring.
The Morning of the Field Trip
Review assigned chaperone groups with students
Review rules for behavior with students
Review that day’s itinerary with students
Confirm that students have the cell phone numbers of their assigned chaperone and the group leader.
Introduce yourself (as the person in charge) to all adult chaperones attending the school trip.
Provide each of the chaperones with a Bus Roster with their students’ names highlighted.
Confirm that each chaperone knows their assigned bus number.
Claim your front row seat on the lead bus.
Give packed bus leader bags to bus leaders
Take roll and count students before leaving school.
Make note of “no-shows” and make necessary calls to the principal and parents.
Call or text tour leader to inform them of your ETA.
Save a seat in the front row for the tour leader, preferably on the side where the microphone is located.