Safe Boating Checklist

Safe Boating Safe Boating
  • Pre-Departure

  • 1. Check weather report and tides/currents

  • 2. File a float plan with someone you know. Tell them where youʼre going and when you intend to return (and what to do if you don’t).

  • 3Identify non-swimmers - Supply non-swimmers with life jackets that fit and that they will wear while on the water

  • 4. Identify second-in-command in case of skipperʼs incapacitation

  • 5. Acquaint crew with the location and operation of Coast Guard required safety items if fitted: I- Life jackets—should be readily accessible, II- Lifesling or throwable flotation—should be immediately accessible, III-  Horn or sound-producing device as required, IV-  Fire extinguishers: Acquaint crew with operation: Pull the pin, Aim the fire extinguisher, Squeeze the two handles together, Sweep across the base of flames (PASS), V-  Flares or other Visual Distress Signals, VI-  Check operation of Navigation Lights

  • 6. Identify incremental recommended gear if fitted: I-VHF Radio: Turn on and demonstrate how to select Channel 16, II-  Ensure at least one other person knows how to transmit a Mayday Ensure that one anchor and rode is ready for immediate use, III-  Turn on GPS, IV- Length of nylon line for a towline, perhaps 75\' x 1/2"

  • 7. Demonstrate engine shutdown technique

  • 8. Check bilges and pump dry if water is present

  • 9. Before engine is started - I- If gasoline inboard, run blower for at least four minutes, II- Check lubricating oil, III-  Check fuel level, IV-  Make sure buzzers sound on engine panel

  • 10. Once engine is started - I- Verify cooling water flow, II-  Check for oil pressure,III-  Attach kill switch lanyard if fitted

  • 11. Disconnect shore power cable

  • 12. Upon leaving the harbor, store a “go home” waypoint on the GPS

  • While on the water

  • 1. Drink responsibly—especially if you are the skipper!

  • 2. Be weather aware - I- Use the weather channels on your VHF radio, II-  Watch for changes in wind speed and cloud formations

  • 3. Know the location of the nearest harbor or protected anchorage 

  • 4. Monitor fuel consumption and remaining range - I- Use the “Three-Thirds Rule” (one-third outbound, one-third inbound, one-third reserve)

  • 5. Monitor VHF radio Channel 16 for emergency traffic - I- Be prepared to lend assistance if you are the nearest vessel

  • 6. Know the waters in which you are navigating - I- Refer to local charts, II-  Stay within marked channels, III-  Be conscious of tides and currents

  • When you return to the dock 

  • 1. Moor boat correctly with bow, stern, spring lines and fenders - I- Ensure snubbers (if so equipped) are in place, II- Ensure lines are protected from chafe

  • 2. Pump holding tank. Add holding tank treatment

  • 3. Always-on loads (automatic bilge pump, alarms, clocks) are on

  • 4. Non-essential loads (running lights, VHF, stereo, etc.) are off

  • 5. Shore power cable is connected and protected from chafe - I- Battery charger is on, II-  Inverter may need to be turned off

  • 6. Logbook has been filled out, signed, and dated

  • 7. Close float plan by calling person whom you originally contacted.

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