10 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate and Honor Veterans Day
HUG a vet today or tomorrow or the next day.
CELEBRATE by supporting local shops and vendors that support our troops.
CONNECT with a service member.
HONOR those we\'ve lost by visiting their family, or donate to charitable organizations.
COMMUNE by visiting your local VA or military hospital and say hello.
TEACH your children or family members that Veterans Day celebrates all members of the military.
SUPPORT your closest Fisher House, the non-profit “home away from home” that provides free lodging to families of military members during hospitalization at major military medical facilities.
VISIT the closest national cemetery and ask to place flags at the headstones, or pick a specific soldier to honor.
DONATE to organizations that support our veterans.
REMEMBER with a simple “thank you” at any time during the year is a great way to show appreciation for all our military members past and present for the service they provide every day.