Weekly Meeting Agenda Template
A free checklist for all team meetings.
Before the team meeting
Meeting has a clearly defined objective
Necessary participants are determined
Meeting time is set
Meeting location is set
Team meeting agenda is prepared
Meeting agenda is distributed to the participants
All other background material is distributed
The meeting room is booked, prepped and ready
During the meeting
The team meeting starts on time
Team meeting ground rules are established
Meeting agenda is reviewed
The purpose of the meeting is made clear
Agenda is followed
One topic is discussed at a time
One person has the floor at a time
Discussions are relevant
Each agenda item was wrapped-up out loud
Time schedule is followed
Participation in the meeting
All team members have a chance to express their opinion
Open-ended questions are used
Outcome of the team meeting
Progress is made toward the objective
Important discussions and decisions are summarized
Responsibilities, assigned tasks and deadlines are documented
Date, time and place for the next meeting is announced
Team meeting ends on time
Everyone leaves the room knowing the next step
After the meeting
Participants received a follow-up memo within 24 hours
Delegation decisions are followed-up
Unfinished business is put on the agenda for the next team meeting