15 Ways to start appreciating yourself

Motivation value yourself
  • Quit trying to be someone else

  • Celebrate your uniqueness

  • There has never been anyone like you. there is no one like you and never will there be anyone like you

  • It is pointless comparing yourself to others

  • Others do not need to valida te you

  • Don\'t depend on things to give you status and recognition

  • Decide to be joyful irrespective Of circumstances

  • Quit waiting for perfect conditions to do what you want to do

  • Write down your successes and celebrate them

  • To fail means you did better than the one who did not try at all. and you learnt something

  • Help someone. Rendering help improves our self-worth and value

  • Learn to accept compliments

  • Celebrate your critics. The more the criticisms. the more valuable you are!

  • Problems gravitate to their solution. Celebrate your challenges

  • Enjoy your own company If you don\'t, why should someone else?

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