29 ways to soothe a fussy baby

Are baby\'s basic needs met?
Feed baby
Change baby's diaper
Put by down for a nap
Burp baby
Is baby in good health?
Help a gassy baby
Bicycle baby's legs while she lies on her back
Lay baby down across your knee and gently rub his back
Ask your pediatrician about infant gas Drops
Check for fever
Ask your pediatrician about infant pain reliever for fever
Relieve teething pain
Offer baby a teething ring or toy to chew on
Ask your pediatrician about using infant Reliever teething
Does baby want to cuddle?
Hold baby close, possibly skin-to-skin
Swaddle baby
Wear baby in a wrap or carrier
Offer baby the comfort of a pacifier
Would baby like some motion?
Gently bounce or swing baby
Take baby for a walk in a stroller or baby carrier
Go for a car ride
Place baby in a baby swing or bouncy chair
Does baby need some sound?
Make a "shushing" sound close to baby's ear
Turn on some white noise
Play some music or sing to baby
Is baby physically uncomfortable?
Check baby's temperature-is she too hot or too cold?
Undress baby, in case a clothing tag Clothing material is bothering him
Go outside and get baby some fresh air
See if baby is over-stimulated
Stop making eye contact
Remove toys and other stimuli
Dim lights
See if baby is under-stimulated
Talk to/interact directly with baby
Show baby toys and household items
Baby still fussy?
Talk to your pediatrician to rule out any medical issues.