New Organizing Business Checklist

Getting Started
Research the professional Organizing Industry
Read organizing books and organize blogs
Research business advice websites (,,
Join a networking organization (chamber of commerce,, etc.)
Find a mentor, coach, or business consultant
Develop a niche or area of expertise
Name you business and develop tagline
Buy domain(
Check With Secretary Of State for name availability and file DBA
Writ e business plan
Decide entity(Sub-S Crop, LLC, etc.)
Register name with Secretary Of State and Other local agencies
Research tax requirements for your State and register with Dept of revenue
Purchase business insurance (Liability, Umbrella, Errors & Omissions)
Complete federal SS-4 from and obtain an EIN number
Open business bank account and purchase checks & deposit slips
Get a business debit card and/or credit card
Set up a merchant account to accept credit cards or a service like PayPal
Set up your desk and Office space
Set up a phone number and voicemail message
Purchase a computer and business equipment (scanner, printer, headset)
Create an email signature line that includes area code and phone number
purchase a backup system for your computer (Carbonite, Mozy, etc.)
Doing Business
Estimate your business costs & develop a budget
Define how you price your services and your rates (hourly. packages)
Establish billing policies
Develop services agreement and subcontractor agreement
Purchase and accounting software or create invoicing system
Decide if you want to hire a bookkeeper or accountant