Thinking Strategies for Building your Brain

brain work Growth Mindset

  • This is too hard.

  • I already know how to do this!

  • I am not getting any better at this.

  • I feel frustrated.

  • I want to give up.

  • This is as good as I\'m going to get.

  • I just made a mistake.

  • She/he has no trouble remembering history.

  • I can\'t do math.

  • I\'m so much smarter than them.

  • It\'s good enough.

  • TRY....

  • Where can I get help?

  • How can I better challenge myself?

  • Changing my brain takes time and effort.

  • I need to take a deep breath.

  • I need to try a new strategy.

  • I can always get better if I keep at it.

  • How does this mistake help me understand?

  • She/he has been working at this longer or is using a different method.

  • My brain hasn\'t made the right connections yet but it will!

  • What have I figured out that I can share?

  • How Can I improve this?

  • Changing your brain doesn\'t happen immediately. Growing new and stronger synapses requires practice and hard work!

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