What's The Difference?

Orientation Onboarding
  • How long is it?

  • Orientation: 1 or more days when new hire first starts

  • Onboarding: up to a year

  • What do you learn?

  • Orientation: Organizational guidelines, policies, & other information all employees need to know

  • Onboarding: Specific, position-related information, insights from managers, mentors, & co-workers

  • What do you do?

  • Orientation: Learn the company basics, complete payroll & benefits paperwork, tour the workplace. get introduced to co-workers

  • Onboarding: Learn about your role, receive guidance from management, build work relationships, provide feedback.

  • Where do you learn it?

  • Orientation: A conference room or online portal.

  • Onboarding: Anywhere, depending on the new hire\'s role & responsibilities.

  • Who do you learn from?

  • Orientation: HR professionals & managers

  • Onboarding: Managers, mentors, & co-workers

  • What\'s next?

  • Orientation: New hire still considered a new employee & has to be led through onboarding process.

  • Onboarding: Employee is fully integrated into the organization & is a productive member of the team - not a new hire.

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