51 Marketing Tasks For Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants Top-quality marketing
  • Running Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Create a list of your email contacts and organise them in logical categories;

  • Craft and send welcome emails to your new customers and subscribers;

  • Write and send follow-up emails to existing customers or clients;

  • Design and write newsletters and other promotional content and send it to your leads via email;

  • Create various email templates

  • Content Marketing

  • Producing compelling and engaging content for your website landing and other pages and your business blog;

  • Content formatting;

  • Uploading and publishing that content on your website;

  • Ensuring your website is always updated with original and well- optimised content;

  • Doing keyword research and incorporating relevant keywords into your posts;

  • Managing Social Media Marketing Campaigns

  • Set up and manage your social media accounts;

  • Create, edit and post videos on your YouTube account;

  • Professionally run Facebook Ads;

  • Organise your daily, weekly or monthly publishing calendar;

  • Digital Marketing And SEO Tasks

  • Perform keyword research;

  • Naturally include the target keywords in your website content;

  • Track and analyse the performance of particular keywords;

  • Create and set up your website landing page;

  • Set up a link building campaign;

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