The Visual Identity Checklist

Tools Visual identity
  • Logo: Use it to communicate your brand personality.

  • Should be flexible (logomark, logotype, combination mark).

  • Should render well at small sizes.

  • Colors: Keep it simple and appropriate.

  • 1 main color, 2 primary colors, 3-5 complementary colors, 2 accent colors.

  • Fonts & Typography: Create as an extension of your logo.

  • Choose 2-3, including a primary brand typeface, then secondary typefaces.

  • Consider size.

  • Test for legibility with the \'Ill rule\' (capital 1, lowercase 1, number 1).

  • Hierarchy: Design an intuitive flow.

  • Guide viewer through content easily.

  • Include headers, subheaders, body copy, images. blurbs, etc.

  • Photography: High-quality. high-resolution imagery.

  • Include photo treatments. dimensions, etc.

  • Remember inclusive representation.

  • Illustration: use to enhance, not to overwhelm.

  • Choose a single style.

  • Keep it simple and consistent.

  • Iconography: use to simplify communication.

  • Design simples images that render clearly at small sizes.

  • Make sure image is relevant to subject.

  • Data Visualization: Design for comprehension.

  • Follow best practices.

  • Avoid chart junk and 3D charts.

  • Order intuitively.

  • Video & Motion Graphics: Specify styles for different mediums.

  • Web Design & Interactivity: Good UX creates a good brand experience.

  • Consider accessibility.

  • Design for mobile.

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