New Employee Checklist
The manager or administrator should complete this checklist in consultation with the employee. manager or administrator Should review the completed Checklist With the employee to Signing.

Introduction to other staff members
Confirmation that offer letter was received (and signed/returned to Financial Services if M&P)
Enrolling for payroll, benefits and pension through the Human Resources Online Benefits Enrollment System using the enrollment code indicated in the letter of offer.
Job description reviewed
Tour of building conducted (e.g. lunch room, bathrooms, etc)
Building access cards, keys and codes issued
Computer network access activated (e.g. electronic mail, system ID's, LAN access, etc)
I.D. cards issued
Signing authority and company credit cards arranged for (e.g. financial accounts, store accounts and purchasing).
University property issued
University equipment for home use (e.g. computer, cell phone, etc.)
Office equipment (e.g. binders, reference materials, files, etc.)
Work tools, equipment and protective gear