12 Critical Elements Every Homepage Must Have

website launch
  • Headline

  • Within 3 seconds, a website needs to answer, "What does this site offer?" Keep your headline clear and simple. No fluff.

  • Sub-headline

  • Your sub-headline should offer a brief description of what you do/offer. Avoid gobbledygook language. Be different and show value. Don’t just talk about yourself.

  • Benefits

  • It\'s not only important to describe what you Do, but why it matters. Prospects want to know about the benefits and advantages.

  • Primary Calls-to-Action

  • Including multiple calls-to-action (CTA) above the fold is important to driving conversions. Offer two-to-three CTA (max) that map to different stages of the buying cycle.

  • Features

  • In addition to benefits, list some of your key features. This gives people more Of an understanding of what\'s provided by your products and services.

  • Customer Proof

  • Customer proof a powerful indicator of trust. Include just a few of your best (short) quotes on the homepage. Adding a name and photo make the testimonials more real.

  • Success Indicators

  • In addition to customer success, awards and recognitions are Other key elements to making a pod first impression.

  • Navigation

  • To decrease bounce rates, your visitors need a clear path into your site from the homepage. Make sure your navigation is visible at the top of the page. And keep it simple.

  • Supporting Image

  • Most people are visual. Make sure to use an that clearly indicates what you offer. Short are great too. Just don\'t use stock photos of fake business people.

  • Content Offer

  • To generate even more leads from your homepage, feature a really great content offer, such as a whitepaper, ebook, or guide.

  • Resources

  • Approximately 96% of the visitors to your website are not ready to buy. Make Sure you offer a link to a resource center where they can earn more.

  • Secondary Calls-to-Action

  • When visitors end at the bottom of your homepage, don\'t forget to display calls-to-action there as well for even more lead generation opportunities. CTA are not just for the top of the page.

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